Sonntag, 15. März 2009


Let me use this cloudy Sunday afternoon to first drop a few lines about the album that started me blogging in the first place and my personal favourite of all times: Wilco's 'Yankee Hotel Foxtrot'. In the disorientating, unsure beginnings of a new relationship that would become extremely important to me, I discovered the beauty that is YHF. It's been sitting on my shelf for months by then, more or less ignored, and very much suddenly I found myself wondering what the hell is going on on this album. It's intimate, perfectly recorded, creative, moving, disjunctured and beautiful. I know I should stop praising Jim O'Rourkes skills all the time, but when I recently turned to Wilco's 'Being There' album and listened to the first song 'Misunderstood', it seemed so perfectly clear how well the band and O'Rourke work together. The song tries a lot of the noise and breaks that would later be found on parts of YHF, but in the end it sounds like a band deliberately destroying a song. This can be nice at times, but not here. It just feels like a sum of parts. Now on YHF, you never get that feeling. It's always one piece, every sound stays where it ought to be and has developed a friendship with the sounds surrounding it. And I believe Jim helped a big deal here.

Recently I got the newsletter by Flight13, a german record mailorder, which inspired me looking for some new tunes to add to my collection. It was a rather disheartening process. I sure found some cool sounding noisy stuff like the 'Blk Jks' with their totally crazy drummer, the krauty 'Mi Ami' and classic Dischord-style 'Sholi', but it's all just cool, artsy stuff you can like, but probably not fall in love with. I tried last year's 'Fleet Foxes', but they don't reach me. There's not much more depressing than not finding albums you'd absolutely want to have. I really wanted Tujiko's 'Hard ni sasete' and I really wanted the new Animal Collective on vinyl, and they're both pretty good, but I need more, new, creative stuff I might listen to more than ten, twenty times. Still searching.

Right now I'm giving Sonic Youth's classic 'Daydream Nation' a spin, an album that despite being a fan I never understood the fuzz about. For example, I can only like 'Teen Age Riot' on the first spring days. And 'Candle' is nice and all, but oh well... Jutta Koeter's liner notes are really good by the way, when I read them I had to listen to the album immediately. Next month there'll be a concert in Munich and the more I'm realizing this, I start freaking out. Seeing them on the Hurricane Festival in 2007 was a (day)dream come true and seeing them again is this year's highlight for sure. They're also releasing a new album in June. I'm yet a bit sceptic but then again, they just can't disappoint me.

Also getting interested in creative recycling and the likes. Here's some PET jellyfish for my girlfried, who likes... jellyfish.

Letzte Tonträger

Spaceways Incorporated
Thirteen Cosmic Standards

Savoy Grand
People And What They Want

Susie Ibarra Trio
Songbird Suite

E.s.t.-Esbjörn Svensson Trio

Herbie Hancock

Yo La Tengo

Letzte Bücher

Genpei Akasegawa
Hyperart: Thomasson

Jay McInerney
Bright Lights, Big City

Rob Young ed.
Undercurrents - The Hidden Wiring of Modern Music

Rob Schrab
Scud, the Disposable Assassin: The Whole Shebang!




Online seit 6597 Tagen
Zuletzt aktualisiert: 5. Sep, 12:45


content: Philipp Klueglein 2006-2013
Fonts used: Baskerville, Futura, 'Cardboarder' by kix, 'Frigate True Type Katakana 3D'

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